Dump populations
Larus fuscus


NEW at the end!

I started the read ringing of gulls in Finland in 1993 with the help Kjeld and Johnny Pedersen. Now we have got over 150'000 reads of them. (See statistics) The longest histories consist of over 300 day-reads. I represent here the histories of a Herring Gull (L. argentatus) and a Lesser Black-backed Gull (L. f. fuscus). The CK20-HG is very interesting in the way it has learned it's routes and sites. The life history of CKYE-LBBG is not very long, but it is interesting, because it has been photographed many times in Tarasteste dump (Tampere, Finland). There are some LBBGs which have seen many times on mirgation in Tel Aviv by Ehud Dovrad and again in Finland, so that their cumulative travelling between reads exceeds 20'000km (max 27'000km).

Histories of CK20-HG and CHYE-LBBG. There are no photos of them as chicks, but I am sure that they looked like these two chicks in these pics (the other is HG and the other LBBG).



Click on the thumbnail for a larger version!!    



History of CK20-Herring Gull

TARA and NOKIA = Tampere dumps, AKOSKI and KUUSAN = Dumps north of  Kotka, LRANTA = Lappeenranta dump
The Finnish reader numbers are: 5313 =Klaus Laine (all SE Finland reads), 4505 =Markku Kangasniemi, 441 =Visa Rauste (pictures), 788= Hannu Koskinen, 941 = Annika Forsten & Antero Lindholm and 309 = Risto Juvaste. 


Herring Gull CK20 history ringed  5 July 1997 in Vehkalahti (chick wing 340 mm) / Tatu  Hokkanen 
dd-mm-yyyy-Place-Reader dd-mm-yyyy-Place-Reader dd-mm-yyyy-Place-Reader dd-mm-yyyy-Place-Reader
 2-12-1997 Germany 20-01-2001 Germany 22-06-2002 AKOSKI 5313 20-06-2003 AKOSKI 5313
19-12-1997 Germany 30-01-2001 Germany  2-07-2002 AKOSKI 5313  5-07-2003 AKOSKI 5313
22-12-1997 Germany  2-02-2001 Germany 21-07-2002 AKOSKI 5313 12-07-2003 AKOSKI 5313
21-02-1998 Germany  5-02-2001 Germany 21-07-2002 TARA    788 19-07-2003 AKOSKI 5313
14-03-1998 Germany  6-02-2001 Germany 21-07-2002 TARA   4505 30-07-2003 TARA   4505
15-03-1998 Germany 16-02-2001 Germany  2-08-2002 TARA    788  4-08-2003 TARA    788
27-03-1998 Germany 21-04-2001 AKOSKI 5313  3-08-2002 TARA   4505  9-08-2003 TARA    788
24-11-1998 Germany  6-05-2001 KUUSAN 5313 12-08-2002 TARA    309 24-08-2003 TARA   4505
 8-01-1999 Germany  8-05-2001 KOTKA  5313 31-08-2002 TARA pic 441 31-08-2003 TARA    441
20-01-1999 Germany 19-06-2001 KUUSAN 5313 15-09-2002 TARA   4505  9-09-2003 TARA   4505
17-02-1999 Germany 20-06-2001 KOTKA  5313 20-09-2002 TARA   4505 11-09-2003 TARA   4505
18-02-1999 Germany 26-06-2001 TARA pic 441 21-09-2002 TARA    788 20-09-2003 TARA   4505
23-07-1999 TARA    941 18-07-2001 KUUSAN 5313 28-09-2002 TARA   4505 21-09-2003 TARA    788
24-07-1999 TARA    941 28-07-2001 TARA   4505  2-10-2002 TARA   4505 22-09-2003 TARA   4505
 7-08-1999 TARA    309  6-08-2001 TARA   4505  4-10-2002 TARA   4505 24-09-2003 TARA   4505
 8-10-1999 TARA    788 26-08-2001 TARA    788  5-10-2002 TARA   4505 25-09-2003 TARA   4505
 3-11-1999 Germany 28-08-2001 TARA    788 15-10-2002 Germany 27-09-2003 TARA    788
16-11-1999 Germany  4-09-2001 TARA    788 25-10-2002 Germany  5-10-2003 NOKIA  4505
21-04-2000 LRANTA 5313 27-09-2001 TARA   4505 21-11-2002 Germany 14-10-2003 Germany
 6-05-2000 ANJALA 5313 30-09-2001 NOKIA  4505 25-11-2002 Germany 15-10-2003 Germany
 7-06-2000 TARA    788  2-10-2001 TARA   4505 27-11-2002 Germany 20-10-2003 Germany
23-06-2000 TARA    788  7-12-2001 Germany 14-12-2002 Germany  6-11-2003 Germany
30-06-2000 TARA    309 18-12-2001 Germany 10-02-2003 Germany 12-11-2003 Germany
13-07-2000 TARA   4505  7-01-2002 Germany 13-02-2003 Germany 26-11-2003 Germany
15-07-2000 TARA   4505  8-01-2002 Germany 15-02-2003 Germany 23-01-2004 Germany
20-07-2000 TARA   6711  9-01-2002 Germany 20-02-2003 Germany 18-02-2004 Germany
 5-08-2000 TARA   4505 11-01-2002 Germany 22-02-2003 Germany  4-04-2004 AKOSKI 5313
23-08-2000 TARA   4505 14-01-2002 Germany 25-02-2003 Germany  2-05-2004 AKOSKI 5313
 7-09-2000 TARA   4505 18-01-2002 Germany  1-03-2003 Germany 23-05-2004 AKOSKI 5313
 5-10-2000 TARA    788 19-01-2002 Germany  7-03-2003 Germany  6-06-2004 AKOSKI 5313
 3-11-2000 Germany 16-04-2002 AKOSKI 5313 14-03-2003 Germany 12-06-2004 AKOSKI 5313
19-12-2000 Germany 21-04-2002 AKOSKI 5313 30-03-2003 AKOSKI 5313 10-07-2004 AKOSKI 5313
19-01-2001 Germany  4-05-2002 AKOSKI 5313 13-04-2003 AKOSKI 5313 18-07-2004 AKOSKI 5313
26-07-2004 TARA   4505
25-09-2004 TARA   4505


Taraste 26.6.2001
by Visa Rauste
Taraste 26.6.2001
by Visa Rauste
Taraste 26.6.2001
by Visa Rauste
Taraste 26.6.2001
by Visa Rauste
Taraste 31.8..2002
by Visa Rauste
Taraste 31.8..2002
by Visa Rauste

Click on the thumbnail for a larger version!!    



History of CHYE-Lesser Black-backed Gull

This male bird has been photographed several times. Here you can see how it changes.
For reader numbers see CK20. Yellow colour in the read table means a photo.
There are some more photos and reads from this bird. They will be added later.

CHYE-Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus f.fuscus)
Ringed 28-6-2002 as chick (wing 155mm) in Pälkäne (30km South of Taraste) by Risto Juvaste
dd-mm-yyyy Reader dd-mm-yyyy Reader dd-mm-yyyy Reader
31- 8-2002 4505 3- 6-2003 4505 11- 5-2004 4505
9- 9-2002 4505 4- 6-2003 4505 12- 5-2004 4505
1-10-2002 4505 7- 6-2003 4505 15- 5-2004 4505
2-10-2002 4505 7- 6-2003 961 15- 5-2004 441
4-10-2002 4505 7- 6-2003 788 16- 5-2004 4505
5-10-2002 4505 7- 6-2003 441 17- 5-2004 4505
5-10-2002 788 13- 6-2003 788 16- 6-2004 4505
5-10-2002 441 14- 6-2003 4505 26- 6-2004 4505
11-10-2002 4505 14- 6-2003 788 10- 7-2004 4505
14- 6-2003 441 19- 7-2004 4505
15- 6-2003 4505 20- 7-2004 4505
20- 6-2003 4505 21- 7-2004 4505
22- 6-2003 4505 22- 7-2004 4505
22- 6-2003 788
22- 6-2003 441
28- 6-2003 4505
29- 6-2003 4505
29- 6-2003 788
29- 6-2003 441
1- 7-2003 4505
4- 7-2003 788
5- 7-2003 4505
6- 7-2003 4505


VR 5.10.2002
VR 5.10.2002
VR 5.10.2002
VR 5.10.2002
VR 5.10.2002
VR 5.10.2002
VR 14.6.2003
VR 14.6.2003
MK 28.6.2003
MK 28.6.2003
VR 29.6.2003
VR 29.6.2003
VR 29.6.2003
VR 29.6.2003
MK 5.7.2003
MK 5.7.2003
VR 15.5.2004
VR 15.5.2004
VR 15.5.2004
VR 15.5.2004

Click on the thumbnail for a larger version!!    



Some 50th anniversary LBBG (L. f. fuscus) histories.  NEW !!

In my 50th anniversary festivities I promised to ring a LBBG for everyone. Now ten years later here is the list from the histories of  these birds. I read ringed in 1996 total  404 chicks of LBBG. At the end of 2004 there are 2602 reads/recoveries from 152 individuals (38 %). Many of them have been met only once, but 10 ones have read over 100 times. CX15 has been seen once in Tel Aviv (by Ehud Dovrad) and 224 times at Tampere dump. CX70 was seen 1999-2003 Tel Avivissa, but never in Finland. Longest read is from C17C, which was seen at spring 1999 in Israel, at summer in Tampere and at autumn in Ethiopia. Alltogether there was at the end of 2004 158 foreign reads (142 from Tel Avivista/Ehud Dovrad), 11 from Germany and one read from Sweden, Turkey, Netherlands, pPoland and Ethiopien.

If only metal ringing was used those 404 chicks would have brought only about 20 recoveries. So read ringing is gives about 100 times more data than meal ringing. Alltogether the read ringing of gulls, which I started in 1993, has brought about 200 000 reads. Look at the statistics. From my own read ringings I have got over 60 000 reads. At the moment the read ringing of Herring Gulls have been stopped under Finnish Ringing Centre. Year 2005 I ringed 246 Herring Gulls with red CnQn (Q=X, Y or Z and n=number) under the licence of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Reads from these birds should be sent directly to me. They have no metal rings. There are also small additional marks in the rings between letters and numbers. I have also ringed over 1000 large gulls with KJxx or KJxxx read rings in Russian Karelia and White Sea in cooperation with Russian Ringing Centre (Moscow).

Here is a link to these histories. The use of this data needs the permit from FRC.